Our offers

Four Steps to Your Family Tree

(1) Write to Us 

Send us an email detailing how we can assist you and all the information you have about the ancestor(s) you'd like to learn about. 
Email: fehmergenealogy@outlook.de 

(2) Free Preliminary Check 

We will conduct a quick check to ensure that sources are available for the individual(s) in question. Some records may be irretrievably lost, so we want to confirm that we can genuinely help. This step is free of charge.

(3) Receive an Offer

If the initial assessment is successful, we will provide you with a customized offer package. You can choose between hourly billing or a results-based payment structure, depending on your preference. We are happy to tailor the offer to meet your specific needs. Once all parties agree on the terms, we will commence the research.

(4) Research 

We will carry out the research and provide you with regular updates as we proceed. You can look forward to receiving detailed results.


We perform the check in Step 2 to avoid unnecessary costs for you and unnecessary work for us. However, despite this check, we may occasionally hit dead ends and be unable to locate the requested information. No professional genealogist can guarantee results, and this applies to us as well. If this happens, we will inform you transparently to ensure fair pricing.

Curious about what to expect? Check out our "Individual Detail Sheet," where we present a sample of our research findings.

Individual Detail Sheet

For each person, we will create an "Individual Detail Sheet". This document contains all important biographical data of the respective person, including birth, marriage, and death. Additionally, we will add, if available, information on baptism, godparents, children, confirmation, occupation, burial, cause of death, and wedding witnesses. The sheet will also include extra information for example about the origin and meaning of family names, as well as additional information about the town, region or  occupation. You can find an example of the "Individual Detail Sheet" below.

Example: Johann Heinrich Joseph Sundorf

(1): Name                                                                                                                       (6): Second marriage
(2): Number                                                                                                                  (7): Children from second marriage
(3): Key data at a glance:                                                                                         (8): Additional information:
        - Birth                                                                                                                              - Origin and meaning of the family name
        - Death                                                                                                                            - Information about the occupation
        - Parents                                                                                                                 (9): Sources
        - Occupation
        - ...
(4): Marriage
(5): Children

"German emigration has laid the foundation for today's strong political, economic, and cultural ties between the US and Germany."

Till Fehmer, Co-Founder of Fehmer Genealogy


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